Cosplayer: Nereid
Rozen Maiden (ローゼンメイデン, Rōzen Meiden) is a manga by the group Peach-Pit, with an anime series of the same name.The story centers around Sakurada Jun, a young hikikomori boy that finds himself indebted to a living doll by the name of Shinku. Jun's sometimes comedic, sometimes dramatic, experiences with Shinku--as well as the other six dolls of the Rozen Maiden--slowly bring him out of his depression and back into the world that he had abandoned.
In TV Asahi's "Top 100 Anime Ranking" polled in 2006, Rozen Maiden was ranked 9th on the list.
In TV Asahi's "Top 100 Anime Ranking" polled in 2006, Rozen Maiden was ranked 9th on the list.
Suigintou is the first doll of the Rozen Maiden collection. Her desire to win the Alice Game is the strongest of all the dolls, and is primarily driven by her wish to gain the attention of their "Father", the fantastic dollmaker Rozen. Sadistic, spiteful, and arrogant (all due to her spectacular inferiority complex), Suigintou has no inhibitions when it comes to the Alice Game. She will use any method available to her, regardless of how brutal it may be, to reach victory. Although she avoids socializing with all of her sister dolls, she has a particularly strong hate for Shinku. This hate borders on obsession, as she can approximate how many hours and minutes since they have last met. However, upon meeting Megu, her medium, Suigintou's attitude and motivations begin to shift; she begins to feel a strong affection for someone other than "Father", and a will to fight for something other than the honor of becoming "Alice", the perfect girl.
Suigintou's desire to protect Megu begins to even overpower her wish to meet him. She hopes to use the collected Rosa Mystica to heal Megu of her heart ailment, rather than become Alice.
Suigintou has a number of unique traits and flaws amongst the seven Rozen Maiden. In the anime, she is missing her torso; Shinku explains at one point that before Suigintou was completed, her design was erased, but gives no further explanation as to why or how. In Ouverture, it is shown that Rozen abandoned her half-completed form in two parts on his worktable. She was never assembled--although her clothing was completed--and as such, not initially given the life force that is a Rosa Mystica. It was her love for Rozen that brought her to life, and she crawled off of the table to seek him out. Rozen does later provide her with a Rosa Mystica, only after she is sliced in half by Souseiseki and presumably fated to fade out of existence. Curiously, after Suigintou is destroyed in battle by Barasuishou, she is restored mid-way through Rozen Maiden Träumend.
Suigintou has a number of unique traits and flaws amongst the seven Rozen Maiden. In the anime, she is missing her torso; Shinku explains at one point that before Suigintou was completed, her design was erased, but gives no further explanation as to why or how. In Ouverture, it is shown that Rozen abandoned her half-completed form in two parts on his worktable. She was never assembled--although her clothing was completed--and as such, not initially given the life force that is a Rosa Mystica. It was her love for Rozen that brought her to life, and she crawled off of the table to seek him out. Rozen does later provide her with a Rosa Mystica, only after she is sliced in half by Souseiseki and presumably fated to fade out of existence. Curiously, after Suigintou is destroyed in battle by Barasuishou, she is restored mid-way through Rozen Maiden Träumend.
The identity of the person responsible for her restoration is never revealed, however it is strongly implied to be Rozen. In the Rozen Maiden Träumend finale, she tells Shinku that "Father" had told her that even with her flawed body, she is also entitled to a part in the Alice Game. Later, Rozen is seen lovingly fixing her neck ribbon as she is sleeping. He even grips her gently around the waist afterwards, implying that he has mended her incomplete body.
In the manga, her body is flawed by wings--notably, she is the only Rozen Maiden with them--that have ravaged her back with cracks. Despite these flaws, her love for "Father" and willpower is so strong that she can use her powers independently of a medium. Initially, Suigintou's will to exist was so strong that she was able to move without actually possessing a Rosa Mystica.
In the manga, her body is flawed by wings--notably, she is the only Rozen Maiden with them--that have ravaged her back with cracks. Despite these flaws, her love for "Father" and willpower is so strong that she can use her powers independently of a medium. Initially, Suigintou's will to exist was so strong that she was able to move without actually possessing a Rosa Mystica.
Suigintou did not consciously make a contract with Megu, rather, Megu came upon Suigintou as she was reawakening. Suigintou's strong sense of independence, as well as disdain towards humanity, had her avoiding the perceived weakness of having a medium. She is also the only Rozen Maiden to have been defeated and revived three times.
Along with her artificial spirit, Meimei, Suigintou's weapons are her ragged black wings. With their arrow-like feathers, she can conjure up a shield, a large sword, or even twin black dragons. Suigintou can also create destructive blue flames as a last resort in battle. The variety in Suigintou's abilities, particularly when combined with her savagely cunning nature, make her a strong player in the Alice Game.
Her artificial spirit "Meimei" is named for the Japanese word "Mei", meaning darkness.
蔷薇少女系列的第一人偶,人工精灵是美美/玫玫/枚枚/冥冥/芽芽(MeiMei/メイメイ),颜色为深紫色。攻击是发射黑色的羽毛。对其他人偶并不看在眼里,总以“笨蛋”(おバカさん)称呼,但对于“Junk”(垃圾)一词非常反感。由于对父亲极端的爱,对在爱丽丝游戏中获胜成为爱丽丝有极大的执著,不惜伤人也要达到目的,视真红为眼中钉。显著特征:正统的歌德萝莉装束、黑翅膀、头饰、紫红色丹凤眼造型是哥德萝莉(ゴスロリ),由于造型跟声优的关系,人气也相当高(田中理惠也曾亲自COSPLAY过水银灯)。在动画第一季第八话中因为曾经对柴崎爷爷说出:“有摄取乳酸菌吗?”而成为许多同人画家恶搞成为养乐多代言人。 水银灯是Rosen第一个做的人偶,也就是爱丽丝的雏形,可能做到后来感觉不对劲所以停止制作(人偶的腹部有3环球形关节,水银灯少了1环),因此她的身体是不完全的。(请见《蔷薇少女之序曲》)然而即便如此她仍然深爱父亲,想要证明自己就是完美的人偶爱丽丝。因此是极端的好战份子,在第一季中想要通过Alice Game夺走其他蔷薇少女的Rose Mystica。而其中最为棘手的敌人就是真红。自己虽然战斗实力相当强,却由于自身的缺陷和没有媒介的原因,在最后的战斗中败给了真红,自己真的成为了Junk。但是真红并没有拿走水银灯的Rose Mystica,于是水银灯在第二季被槐修好(目的是让蔷薇水晶打败所有蔷薇少女,来自和动画监督松尾衡的问答),继续充当真红的死对头。同时第二季水银灯也找到了自己的媒介——柿崎惠(漫画则没有定契约)。但是少女终究是少女,再怎样也不可能成为坏人。见到病危的小惠之后,夺取Rose Mystica(蔷薇圣母)的目的悄悄发生了变化。惠和水银灯身世一样,先天的身体就是有缺陷的,从小就只能在病床上度日。与水银灯定下契约后,只希望水银灯能尽量的利用她的力量,从而结束自己生命。但是水银灯此时的心理却发生了变化,从只爱父亲大人到对惠也有了恻隐之心。同时水银灯在得知Rose Mystica『蔷薇圣母』能够挽救惠的生命的时候,她的目的似乎就从成为Alice转变成为拯救惠,当然这件事情并不为真红以及真红阵营的蔷薇少女们所知道和理解。在无意中替真红挡下蔷薇水晶的攻击失去Rose Mystica后,才被真红所理解。最终被蔷薇水晶所害。
Along with her artificial spirit, Meimei, Suigintou's weapons are her ragged black wings. With their arrow-like feathers, she can conjure up a shield, a large sword, or even twin black dragons. Suigintou can also create destructive blue flames as a last resort in battle. The variety in Suigintou's abilities, particularly when combined with her savagely cunning nature, make her a strong player in the Alice Game.
Her artificial spirit "Meimei" is named for the Japanese word "Mei", meaning darkness.
蔷薇少女系列的第一人偶,人工精灵是美美/玫玫/枚枚/冥冥/芽芽(MeiMei/メイメイ),颜色为深紫色。攻击是发射黑色的羽毛。对其他人偶并不看在眼里,总以“笨蛋”(おバカさん)称呼,但对于“Junk”(垃圾)一词非常反感。由于对父亲极端的爱,对在爱丽丝游戏中获胜成为爱丽丝有极大的执著,不惜伤人也要达到目的,视真红为眼中钉。显著特征:正统的歌德萝莉装束、黑翅膀、头饰、紫红色丹凤眼造型是哥德萝莉(ゴスロリ),由于造型跟声优的关系,人气也相当高(田中理惠也曾亲自COSPLAY过水银灯)。在动画第一季第八话中因为曾经对柴崎爷爷说出:“有摄取乳酸菌吗?”而成为许多同人画家恶搞成为养乐多代言人。 水银灯是Rosen第一个做的人偶,也就是爱丽丝的雏形,可能做到后来感觉不对劲所以停止制作(人偶的腹部有3环球形关节,水银灯少了1环),因此她的身体是不完全的。(请见《蔷薇少女之序曲》)然而即便如此她仍然深爱父亲,想要证明自己就是完美的人偶爱丽丝。因此是极端的好战份子,在第一季中想要通过Alice Game夺走其他蔷薇少女的Rose Mystica。而其中最为棘手的敌人就是真红。自己虽然战斗实力相当强,却由于自身的缺陷和没有媒介的原因,在最后的战斗中败给了真红,自己真的成为了Junk。但是真红并没有拿走水银灯的Rose Mystica,于是水银灯在第二季被槐修好(目的是让蔷薇水晶打败所有蔷薇少女,来自和动画监督松尾衡的问答),继续充当真红的死对头。同时第二季水银灯也找到了自己的媒介——柿崎惠(漫画则没有定契约)。但是少女终究是少女,再怎样也不可能成为坏人。见到病危的小惠之后,夺取Rose Mystica(蔷薇圣母)的目的悄悄发生了变化。惠和水银灯身世一样,先天的身体就是有缺陷的,从小就只能在病床上度日。与水银灯定下契约后,只希望水银灯能尽量的利用她的力量,从而结束自己生命。但是水银灯此时的心理却发生了变化,从只爱父亲大人到对惠也有了恻隐之心。同时水银灯在得知Rose Mystica『蔷薇圣母』能够挽救惠的生命的时候,她的目的似乎就从成为Alice转变成为拯救惠,当然这件事情并不为真红以及真红阵营的蔷薇少女们所知道和理解。在无意中替真红挡下蔷薇水晶的攻击失去Rose Mystica后,才被真红所理解。最终被蔷薇水晶所害。
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