Thursday, November 22, 2007

My Latest Review~Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion

On August 10th, 2010, a.t.b., the Holy Empire of Britannia overpowered Japanese forces and conquered the country with their robotic weapons, the Knightmare Frames, in less than a month. Japan lost its freedom and rights and was renamed Area 11. The Japanese people, renamed as "Elevens", were forced to survive in ghettos, while Britannians lived in first-class settlements. Rebel elements persisted, however, as pockets of Japanese organizations who struggled against the Empire for the independence of Japan.
After his father, the Emperor of Britannia, did nothing to pursue the terrorists who murdered his mother and crippled his sister, the young prince named Lelouch vowed to destroy Britannia. Seven years later, living in Area 11, he encounters a mysterious girl who gives him the power of Geass. With it, he finally has the power that he needs to defeat Britannia and fulfill his two wishes: to seek revenge for his mother and to construct a world in which his beloved sister can live happily.

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion (コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ, Kōdo Giasu: Hangyaku no Rurūshu) is a Japanese anime television series, created by Sunrise. Directed by Gorō Taniguchi and scripted by Ichiro Ōkouchi, both of whom had earlier worked on another Sunrise series, the acclaimed Planetes, it features character designs by the noted all-female mangaka group, Clamp.
The series premiered across Japan on MBS from October 5, 2006.Its satellite television premiere across Japan on Animax was on November 7, 2006. It has been licensed for North American distribution by Bandai Entertainmentwith a first release in 2008. A new television series titled Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 has been announced that is in production and which will premiere on MBS and TBS from April 5th 2008.

从2006年10月开始到今年3月份,在TBS系电视台播出的《Code Geass》,凭借冲击性的内容及高品质的画面而大受欢迎,又众望所归顺理成章的决定制作继篇。(复习请看:TV《Code Geass》续篇制作决定),然后就是意料之中呼啦啦一大片的DVD、广播剧CD、周边的发售消息(复习请看: 《Code Geass》即将发行DVD杂志 《Code Geass》广播剧CD4月发售 叛逆的鲁路修频发趣味周边产品)故事也顺便重温下吧,故事讲述了被超级大国:不列巅帝国占领的日本——「11区」中,生活着两位少年:鲁路修与朱雀。得到了「Geass」之力的鲁路修欲毁灭整个世界,而朱雀则驾驶着噩梦机架「兰斯洛特」,在世界中追寻理想与真实。两人截然相反的生存方式不久后将卷起能动摇帝国根基的滔天巨浪…… 导演为《无限的未知》的谷口悟郎,人设原案则是漫画界的大名鼎鼎的创作集团CLAMP大婶们。人物设定为《勇者王》的木村贵宏,脚本则是由创造了《阿兹漫画大王》、《勇者的故事》的大河内一楼,这位早稻田大学的高材生还曾经写过《∀高达》等知名作品的脚本和《少女革命》等小说哦。另外还有《街头霸王》的安田朗、《交响诗篇》的中田荣治、《舞-乙姬》的阿久津润一担当主要的绘画者。 总之,大家一起期待吧……

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