Thursday, December 6, 2007

School Days ( Anime)

School Days (スクールデイズ, Sukūru Deizu) is an animation adventure game developed by the software company 0verflow. The game is vastly different from traditional visual novel in that its story is presented in a format that resembles an anime, a first for this genre. The game is presented in widescreen format, and similar to anime, is divided into individual episodes and has opening and ending sequences for each episode.
The game is infamous for its violent bad endings, ranging from the killing of one of the other main characters to graphic depictions of suicide. A spinoff of the game, Summer Days, was released by 0verflow using the same system, but without such violent endings.
School Days has made several transitions into other media, including an twelve-episode anime created by TNK, and two OVAs by the same studio, a manga series, three novels, and a dram CD. A PlayStation 2 version of the game, titled School Days LxH (Love&Hate), was also released in Japan on January 17, 2008.
In the school the three guys met. Their relation had been changed in the season, and turned into three love stories.

Makoto has been admiring a girl he has seen on the train. That girl is Kotonoha Katsura, and he even managed to take a photo of her with his cell phone. Due to new seating in his class, he ends up next to Sekai Saionji, a nosy, but sweet and sincere girl. As she snoops for his cell phone while talking to him, she discovers his crush and vows to help him until Kotonoha agrees to go out with him. When Sekai finally gets them together, she realizes her own feelings after finding out that the person Kotonoha liked was, in fact, Makoto. While waiting for her train next to Makoto, who was waiting for Kotonoha, she has him talking about how he can repay her for all of her help. Before leaving for her train, she kisses him and cries when she boards the way home. Kotonoha happily arrives for her date with Makoto shortly after. With all three main characters carrying different expressions on their faces, the story begins...
Among twenty-one possible endings, fifteen are good endings with only one girl, three are bad endings that involve one of the main characters getting killed, two are "harem" endings, and one is a variation (a post-fin episode to other endings). Although there are only three bad endings in this game, they are so shocking and violent that they became more commonly known (infamously) than the "good endings".
School Days Official Website
School Days Anime Official Website
【School Days简介】 《School Days》是2005年4月28日由Overflow发售的一款18禁游戏,该作的特别之处在于其不是以静态画加上文字这一般Galgame的表现形式进行,而是以动画的形式进行。另外,本作中引入的“剧萌”要素也使本作成为了当年的话题。《School Days》的动画版于2007年播出,由于其最终话中带有暴力场面而曾经一度遭到停播,最终被允许播出的则是被和谐了的版本。
剧情介绍:故事的主人公榊野学园1年3组的伊藤诚,从很久前开始,就时常留意搭同一台电车的女孩,她是隔壁班的桂言叶。校园里留传著一个传说,“把喜欢的人的照片当成手机待机图片,而且三个礼拜没人发现的话,这份思念就会实现。”但是就在诚下定决心要履行这个传说的第一天,就被坐在隔壁的西园寺世界发现了。于是在赔罪的名目之下,世界开始帮言叶和诚牵线,故事就这样开始了 后来世界喜欢上男主角了..还有世界的朋友等..都喜欢男主角~男主角就变成和谁都可以上了..后来和世界交往还让世界怀了孩子..可男主角还是喜欢叶~就偸偸和叶约会~男主角最后在世界面前亲叶~还叫她把孩子打掉~世界就把男主角杀了..后来叶看见了 就把世界杀了..把世界的肚子抛开看看有没有孩子..最后把男主角的头割下来 坐上船抱着男主角的头说..终于可以就我们2个人了...